Sell BTC Domains

Sell BTC domains on Magic Eden

Magic Eden : BTCDOMAIN Collection

Enter the Inscription ID or Number of your BTC domain in search box

Set the selling price, click "List Now" to list the domain name for sale.

Sell BTC domains on OpenOrdex

OpenOrdex: BTCDOMAIN Collection

Enter the Inscription ID of your BTC domain in Inscription number or id box, click the “Open Inscription” button to view details or sell it.

You could click “List Inscription for Sale” button to set the selling price and then click “Create a Partially Signed Bitcoin” to generate PSBT.

After creating a partial signature, a pop-up window will appear, click “Copy PSBT” in the window. And don’t cancel the “x” at the bottom, if you cancelled it, your selling oreder will not display the inscription on the homepage order book.

You could choose sparrow wallet/hiro/unisat to sign the psbt, check the medium to learn how to use these wallet for signiture:

After signed PSBT, click “List Inscription for Sale” then you can complete the listing of the inscription. You can see the BTC domain NFT you just listed on the homepage of the Openordex.

Last updated