
In order to ensure uniqueness and prevent malicious activity, we have incorporated cutting-edge Zero-Knowledge technology into our BTC domain project.

To explain the concept of ZK technology in simple terms, imagine that ZK enables programs to be executed on a single computer, but instead of a regular output, a ZK program produces both an output and a ZK proof. By verifying the ZK proof, anyone can easily confirm that the ZK program has been executed without any tampering.

In brief, ZK technology employs mathematical methods to create a trusted computing environment. When combined with Ordinal's capability of making Bitcoin a data-available chain, we can achieve a system that functions similarly to smart contracts while relying solely on Bitcoin.


We selected STARK as our ZK algorithm for several reasons.

Firstly, STARK is well-suited for recursive proof, meaning that we can prove a ZK program is running correctly using another ZK program, thereby reducing the overall proof cost.

Secondly, the STARK algorithm has a thriving community with numerous helpful development tools, including the Cairo language. This enables us to build the BTC domain more efficiently.

Thirdly, the Rust version of Cairo demonstrates exceptional performance, resulting in reduced computing resource consumption.

We are working tirelessly to rebuild the BTC domain. While the final version is still in development, we have provided a temporary version for users to utilize.


Our plan is to publish our zero-knowledge proof (zk proof) on the Bitcoin blockchain every three days using Ordinal.

This will allow anyone to download the proof and verify it either locally or on the blockchain.

By doing so, we aim to provide a transparent and secure way for others to verify the validity of our proof.

Last updated